Archives of #Solar Energy

Capacidade instalada de energia solar bate recorde no Brasil
The installed capacity of solar energy has broken records in Brazil. See the reasons and understand the importance of this growth.
The importance of solar energy in the renovation of the energy matrix
What is the importance of solar energy in the renovation of the energy matrix? Brazil entered the list of the ten countries that most installed solar energy systems in the world in 2020, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). This number is relevant since, last year, the economy had a retraction in several sectors due to the pandemic.
Main Technologies for Solar Energy
What are the main solar energy technologies? The benefits of using alternative energy sources are already widespread. However, one of the major obstacles for this model to grow even more is the cost of systems and limited technological availability.
clean energy generation in Brazil
The national electric matrix is ​​formed by 82.9% of clean energy, such as hydroelectric, biomass and solar energy, while the global average is 26.7%. According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil currently has 83% of its matrix originated from clean energy. The share is led by hydroelectric (63.8%), followed by wind (9.3%), biomass and biogas (8.9%) and solar (1.4%). Unlike the global average, Brazil is three times more sustainable than other countries.
Por que investir em geração de energia solar?
The generation of solar energy has an essential role in the transition towards a low carbon future and in the promotion of global energy security. What is the future of solar energy generation? The market for this source in Brazil corresponds to 1.7% of the entire Brazilian energy matrix. Although this number is still small compared to other sources, the future of the solar array is very promising not only in the country, but worldwide. It is estimated that in the next 30 years the representation of this matrix in the country will grow and correspond to 16% of the total capacity.
renewable energy to invest
Do you know what are the main types of renewable energy to invest in Brazil? Access the content and understand it better! With the advancement of global warming, investments in types of renewable energy need to increase. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy needs to be responsible for generating more than half of the world's electricity, around 57%, by the end of the decade for climate security to exist.