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As 10 tendências da transição energética na América Latina em 2025 incluem avanços em renováveis, hidrogênio verde e veículos elétricos, com o Brasil liderando o setor. A região se destaca como modelo de descarbonização e inovação sustentável.
The energy transition in Latin America is undergoing significant transformations in 2025, driven by technological advancements, strategic investments, and government policies focused on sustainability. This article explores the top ten trends shaping the region's energy landscape, based on recent data and developments.
Na Transição Verde, Brasil Aposta no Biometano como Pilar Energético
Brazil, recognized for its diversified energy matrix, is intensifying investments in biomethane, a renewable biofuel produced from organic waste. This initiative aims to strengthen the sustainable economy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, aligning with global decarbonization goals.
Transição energética global exige triplicar energias renováveis até 2030
The global energy transition requires tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 to limit global warming to below 2°C. Learn how investments, public policies, and innovation are key to achieving this goal.
Aumento de 32% na Geração Solar Reforça o Papel do Brasil no Setor de Energias Renováveis
In August 2024, solar energy generation in Brazil grew by 32%, according to the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE). 3,420 MWmed were produced, compared to 2,578 MWmed in August 2023. This significant advance is driven by the expansion of installed capacity, especially in the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, in addition to the increase in solar incidence during this period. The Monthly Operation Program (PMO) highlights the importance of solar energy to diversify the national energy matrix, reducing dependence on non-renewable sources.
Brasil Enfrenta Desafios Energéticos com a Seca e Busca Alternativas Sustentáveis
Brazil is going through a critical moment regarding its energy matrix, largely due to the severe drought that has hit the country in recent months. The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) has already confirmed that, given the low level of reservoirs,