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Termelétricas no Brasil: Essenciais, mas em Transformação
Thermal power plants occupy a strategic position in Brazil’s energy matrix, serving as a sort of “Plan B” for renewable sources and ensuring the stability of the national electrical system.
Geração Distribuída no Brasil: Balanço de 2024 e Perspectivas para 2025
The year 2024 was marked by significant growth in installed DG capacity in Brazil. Data from the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) indicate that, until October, the country added approximately 8 gigawatts (GW) in micro and mini distributed generation capacity.
Na Transição Verde, Brasil Aposta no Biometano como Pilar Energético
Brazil, recognized for its diversified energy matrix, is intensifying investments in biomethane, a renewable biofuel produced from organic waste. This initiative aims to strengthen the sustainable economy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, aligning with global decarbonization goals.
During the G20 summit held in Rio de Janeiro in November 2024, leaders of the world’s major economies gathered to discuss crucial issues related to climate financing and the energy transition. Brazil, as the host, played a central role in the negotiations, emphasizing the need for robust financial resources to support developing countries in implementing […]
Transição energética global exige triplicar energias renováveis até 2030
The global energy transition requires tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 to limit global warming to below 2°C. Learn how investments, public policies, and innovation are key to achieving this goal.