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O Poder do Hidrogênio Verde: Transformando a Economia Global e Impulsionando a Sustentabilidade no Brasil
This post explores the potential of green hydrogen as a renewable and sustainable energy source. It discusses its significance in decarbonizing the global economy, especially in sectors that are hard to electrify. Moreover, it underscores Brazil's promising role in this market due to its significant capacity for renewable energy generation.
Geração Distribuída
Distributed Generation (DG), a concept that is expanding in Brazil and around the world, is at the heart of our sustainable energy future. It involves the production of electrical energy near or at the point of consumption, eliminating the need for long transmission and distribution networks. With the advancement of renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind, GD promotes a range of benefits including energy efficiency and resiliency.
Biomassa: a solução limpa e sustentável para a geração de energia elétrica e a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa
Discover how biomass can help fight climate change and be a clean and sustainable source of energy. In this article, we explore the types of biomass, the technologies for generating electricity and the environmental impacts associated with methane and CO2 emissions.
Biometano: Uma alternativa sustentável para o futuro energético do Brasil
Biomethane, a renewable fuel derived from organic waste, offers significant potential for Brazil to diversify its energy matrix while providing economic, social, and environmental benefits. By leveraging agricultural waste and animal manure as resources, biomethane production can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support rural development, and improve energy security.
Fonte renovável bateu recorde em 2022 na geração de energia elétrica
In 2022, Brazil reached a record in the generation of electricity from renewable sources. Hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass plants were responsible for 92% of the electricity produced in the country. In addition to being clean and inexhaustible, renewable sources are also more sustainable and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The transition to renewable energy is essential for decarbonization and reducing social impacts.
Quais as expectativas e tendências para o mercado de biogás?
What can be expected from the biogas market in 2023? The biogas sector is one of the most promising in the world energy sector and plays a key role in the economy of many countries. According to the International Energy Agency, biogas generation grew by around 20% between 2004 and 2017, and the trend is expected to continue in the coming years.