Archives of Biogas

Incentivo ao biogás: entenda o Projeto de Lei proposto!
What are the existing actions to encourage biogas in the country? Understand what is the Bill 3.865/2021 presented in the Chamber of Deputies.
The Waste-to-Energy (WTE) market in Brazil is still underdeveloped due to a number of factors, such as little investment in the model and little market maturity. WTE plants have a great advantage over other sources, as they are non-polluting thermal and have low intermittency...
Como as usinas WTE ajudam no saneamento?
Do you know how WTE plants help the country's development? It is possible to say that on a global level, society is already aware of the importance of the correct disposal of waste. On a general level, governments and companies already recognize the value of these materials for energy generation, in addition to their environmental importance. After all, this type of process transforms useless materials into some by-product that returns to the production chain.
Produção de hidrogênio a partir do biogás
How is hydrogen produced from biogas? Hydrogen has great potential in the future to become a clean energy source. However, to date, its production is responsible for around 830 million tons of CO2 emissions per year, due to the use of natural gas and coal in the energy generation process.
Como funciona a geração distribuída compartilhada?
Do you know how shared distributed generation (GDC) works? GD in Brazil was regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) in 2012 through Resolution 482. Its objective was to enable Brazilians to produce their own energy from renewable sources — such as wind, solar and biomass sources — and to supply the surplus for the distribution network.
Geração distribuída no Brasil: conheça as principais fontes
Do you know what are the main sources of distributed generation used in Brazil? Distributed generation is a model in which consumers can generate their own energy. In addition to bringing savings and freedom to consumers, GD, as a system that decentralizes energy production, is also important for the electrical system that becomes more stable and less dependent on hydroelectric plants.
Renewables: the development of the MSW market in the country!
The updating of the sanitation legal framework created a new environment for the development of the RSU and renewables market in the country. The new basic sanitation framework aims to improve access and universalization of water and sewage services. But, in addition, the changes also attract new investments and benefit the urban solid waste energy recovery market (USW).
Volume of MSW projects surprises for first auction
The A-5 new energy auction scheduled to be held on September 30, 2021, led to the registration of almost 94 GW. According to data released by the Energy Research Company (EPE), the largest registered sources were solar, followed by natural gas and wind power. At the event, the Solid Urban Waste (RSU) model was also highlighted, which debuted in the auction in a positive way. There were 315 MW registered in RSU projects, totaling 0.33%.