Archives of #Energy

the participation of biogas and biomethane in the Brazilian matrix
The production of biogas and biomethane is essential, since this transformation helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, in addition to its great environmental importance, this energy source is strategic and competitive.
The importance of modernizing the electricity sector!
The modernization of the Brazilian electric sector is necessary to enable the expansion of the market, improve the allocation of resources, form prices and bring sustainability to energy production. Therefore, in April 2019, an Ordinance of the Ministry of Mines and Energy instituted a Working Group to study and propose the necessary changes. The group's objective was to create proposals based on the pillars of governance, transparency and legal-regulatory.
Qual a relação entre energia e meio ambiente?
Energy generation is totally related to the environment, since all energy produced is the result of the transformation of some natural resource. Thus, it is everyone's duty to take care of the environment to ensure that the resource is maintained for the next generations.
How does electric power generation occur in Brazil?
Do you know how electricity generation occurs in Brazil? In 2017, according to the Energy Research Company, the Brazilian energy matrix was composed as follows: 36.4% from oil and gas, 17% from sugarcane, 13% from natural gas, 12% from hydraulic, 8% firewood and charcoal, 5.9% bleach and other renewables, 5.7% coal, 1.4% nuclear and 0.6% from other renewables.
Do you know how hydroelectric energy is generated? It occurs through the use of the kinetic energy contained in the flow of water bodies in plants.
Geração de energia a partir da biomassa
One of the advantages of biomass energy is that it is a 100% renewable resource and has a low cost and high capacity for using waste. Do you know how biomass energy is produced? Biomass is the term used to define a mass of debris from living or decomposing organisms. It can be of animal or vegetable origin, such as food scraps, fruit peels, wood or by-products of livestock and agriculture.