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Fonte renovável bateu recorde em 2022 na geração de energia elétrica
In 2022, Brazil reached a record in the generation of electricity from renewable sources. Hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass plants were responsible for 92% of the electricity produced in the country. In addition to being clean and inexhaustible, renewable sources are also more sustainable and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The transition to renewable energy is essential for decarbonization and reducing social impacts.
Conheça o potencial de exportação de biometano no país
Brazil still does not produce even 1% of its biomethane production potential, which can reach 100 million m³/day. Currently, there are ten biomethane plants in Brazil, located in Ceará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná, but the perspective is for growth, including for export.
Emissões do setor de energia devem diminuir em 2022
In 2022, even with increased energy demand in some countries, emissions from the energy sector are expected to decrease. The data is from the International Energy Agency (IEA) Electricity Market report, which points to a drop in overall global electricity demand of 2.4%. Thus, the values ​​should pull emissions from the energy sector down, pointing to a decline of 0.5%.
Mudanças climáticas: principais pontos do último relatório do IPCC
The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that the mitigation measures needed to tackle climate change are urgent. The IPCC is a UN climate advisory body and was created in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization. Its objective is to monitor and disseminate relevant research related to climate change.