Archives of Biomethane

Biogás, Biomassa e a COP28: Ação Climática em Pauta
Biogas and biomass emerge as promising alternatives in the quest for sustainable energy solutions. With COP28 approaching, the global community prepares to define the course of climate actions, making this event crucial for the planet's future.
The bioenergy industry in Brazil has grown significantly, representing almost 20% of the country's energy supply. With technological advances and government support, companies such as Grupo Urca Energia and Gás Verde are leading the way in biomethane production, contributing to a more sustainable future.
Brazil advances in biomethane production, a 100% renewable energy. With the investment of companies like Gás Verde, the sector promises a bright future and opportunities for investors.
The transition to renewable energy sources is critical to combating climate change. In Brazil, biomethane is emerging as a green alternative to fossil fuels. Learn about the biogas industry, the growth potential and the benefits of biomethane as a vehicle fuel.
Biometano e a Descarbonização
In summary, biomethane presents itself as a promising and sustainable alternative to the replacement of fossil fuels. Despite the initial challenge that involves the installation of the necessary infrastructure for its production and use, the potential benefits are considerable.
Biometano: Uma alternativa sustentável para o futuro energético do Brasil
Biomethane, a renewable fuel derived from organic waste, offers significant potential for Brazil to diversify its energy matrix while providing economic, social, and environmental benefits. By leveraging agricultural waste and animal manure as resources, biomethane production can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support rural development, and improve energy security.
Fonte renovável bateu recorde em 2022 na geração de energia elétrica
In 2022, Brazil reached a record in the generation of electricity from renewable sources. Hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass plants were responsible for 92% of the electricity produced in the country. In addition to being clean and inexhaustible, renewable sources are also more sustainable and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The transition to renewable energy is essential for decarbonization and reducing social impacts.