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O crescimento da GD rural
The growth of rural DG in Brazil is being driven by rising energy values ​​and uncertainties about security of supply. In addition, the advancement of the Legal Framework for Distributed Generation (PL 5829/2019) in Congress are some factors pointed out to explain the growth.
Geração distribuída no Brasil: conheça as principais fontes
Do you know what are the main sources of distributed generation used in Brazil? Distributed generation is a model in which consumers can generate their own energy. In addition to bringing savings and freedom to consumers, GD, as a system that decentralizes energy production, is also important for the electrical system that becomes more stable and less dependent on hydroelectric plants.
The evolution of Distributed Generation in Brazil!
In a simplified way, distributed generation is the possibility for Brazilian consumers to generate their own electricity, either from renewable sources or qualified cogeneration. The standard came into effect in 2012, through ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 482/2012.