Archives of Biomass

Conheça o potencial de exportação de biometano no país
Brazil still does not produce even 1% of its biomethane production potential, which can reach 100 million m³/day. Currently, there are ten biomethane plants in Brazil, located in Ceará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná, but the perspective is for growth, including for export.
Como as novas resoluções impactam o mercado de biogás e biometano nos próximos anos?
As there is no exclusive regulation for biogas and biomethane, historically, the Brazilian regulations that govern these markets have more connection with other fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel than with natural gas. This occurred because the laws that dealt with gas dealt only with natural gas of fossil origin, excluding other sources.
Emissões do setor de energia devem diminuir em 2022
In 2022, even with increased energy demand in some countries, emissions from the energy sector are expected to decrease. The data is from the International Energy Agency (IEA) Electricity Market report, which points to a drop in overall global electricity demand of 2.4%. Thus, the values ​​should pull emissions from the energy sector down, pointing to a decline of 0.5%.
Importância da biomassa na matriz energética
What is the importance of biomass in the energy matrix? In recent years, the search for alternatives to fossil fuels has increased as climate change has become more evident. Thus, obtaining energy from biomass has gained prominence among renewable sources, mainly due to its low production cost.