Archives of Biogas

the participation of biogas and biomethane in the Brazilian matrix
The production of biogas and biomethane is essential, since this transformation helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, in addition to its great environmental importance, this energy source is strategic and competitive.
Emissões do setor de energia devem diminuir em 2022
In 2022, even with increased energy demand in some countries, emissions from the energy sector are expected to decrease. The data is from the International Energy Agency (IEA) Electricity Market report, which points to a drop in overall global electricity demand of 2.4%. Thus, the values ​​should pull emissions from the energy sector down, pointing to a decline of 0.5%.
Biometano e a descarbonização no setor de transportes
Biomethane production in Brazil has grown and gas is cited as a source for decarbonization in the transport sector. According to the survey carried out by Abiogás, there are 25 biomethane plants expected to start operating by 2027 with projects in which investment exceeds R$ 1 billion. With this, it is expected to reach 2.3 million m/³ day of produced volume.